Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The value of Indian currency slipppping down...

Day and day out, the Indian economy slips on descending order. The price rise acute and shortages of basic goods accurate. The inflation shooting up on rocketing speed. The poor becoming poorer even though the weather God has not completely not blessed our land. The drought like situation prevailing on a small scale here and there but not the entire country is in the clasp of it.
The scarcity experienced due to unimaginable corruption in the distribution system of  basic goods as well as speculations permitted in necessary products  like Dal Chawal, Sugar n Spices...It is the irony when the Govt. itself becomes party to such shoddy activities. “Jiska Raja Vyapari, Uski Praja Bhikhari”.   If the speculation commotion  persists of luxuries, it is still permit able as it does not really amend common men’s lives but to augment the cost of most necessary edibles, is criminal.
The saga of misery does not end here. Recently, the value of Indian currency is falling exceptionally low. It may appear to world, that Indian economy is plummeting due to exhausted resources or natural calamities but we all know, none of it is true. It is mainly and only the result of unparallel sleaze in intention of people in power, lack of purest of purpose  and commitment to bring about change in the most marginalized person’s lives. As a result, the value of Dollar and Pound is shooooting up. In reality, the British economy is in doldrums and their infrastructural development is diminishing. The rich and elite class of UK is on verge of shifting base. Same is the condition of USA, where unemployment due to collapsing of economic reforms is on ever so high. In such scenario, there does not seem to be one good reason for Rupee to fall on eternal low.
But, Yes....
There is a reason.
The Black money hidden in foreign banks has turned out to be the burning issue and slowly and steadily the citizens are becoming aware of it. Now, the time might come when to bring the Black money back becomes an inevitable issue for the UPA Govt.
It is an open secret, about the ownership of the Black money. If the value of Rupee falls, increasing the value of Dollar, bringing back Black money would be more profitable....
Isn’t it?

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