Monday, October 3, 2011

Is the central Govt. into the business of speculation???

The country is facing acute food crisis. It makes us wonder, the deep rooted cause behind it. There have been plenty of offshoots responsible and many of them are accompaniments of development.
The education, better medical facility and research into medical field has resulted into high mortality rate and low death rate, creating longer life span.
As a result, population explosion creating more and more demand for the food.
The food amounts to basic necessity for a human to survive. A certain years back, famine was a usual occurrence causing food shortage to a huge extent.
Fortunately, the nature has been kind and due to global atmosphere changes, the rain fall has not been below the required level. Still, the catastrophe of food continues.
Shouldn’t one dwell into the deeper cause and locate the solution…
Isn’t the policy regarding the food distribution as well as the intention of the policy maker at fault?
There have been umpteen cases of food grains not reaching the market and finally to a BPL home and getting rotted and reaching the dust-bins or graver than that, getting turned into alcohol to fulfill, not the tummies but the purses of the policy makers sitting in the Delhi bungalow. The policy that we are talking about is allowing the speculation on basic commodities, indispensable for a underprivileged to survive. It is contemptible when the prices of essential food products soar to sky high and become unaffordable to a high section of people. The Govt. which allows existence of body such as MCX and disallow the vital requirements for human survival , is largely to be blamed. It is very easy for the concerned Govt. official to pass the buck of guilt to people indulging in commodity, [especially the very basic commodities] speculation,
But ,
The Govt. can not remain a mere spectator and allow the unjust to happen.
Recently, on 3rd October, the speculation on Cotton is beginning. As this monsoon, there has been enormous production of Cotton, now the Govt. is allowing the speculation of the same. The high production of Cotton, could have resulted in low cost of the same.
When the Planning Commission of the country, can overlook the minimum requirement of its population. What one should expect from the same? The 32 Rs. dead line indicating person’s fundamental need does not offer to include any expenditure on something to cover ones body. Thus, how can Cotton be left behind from being part of speculative property as to the Govt. of India, it does not feature in the common man’s crucial necessity….

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