Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Kashmir the heart and soul of every Indian...

Kashmir has been, Kashmir is and Kashmir will be…
An integral part of Mother India..
In the pre-independence era, when the two nation theory was being adopted by the British and our beloved country was bisected into two, on the basis of religion followed by the people living on its soil..
This cutting of the soul like soil, was conducted by a British official named Sir Redcliff, who did perform his duty, definitely dutifully but soullessly.
As his observation and accomplishments were solely on the basis of physical features scrutinized by him and any concern for the mental texture of the citizens was overlooked.
It is a proven fact that the piece of land, today known to the world as Pakistan, was a part of Hindukush and the Golden cultural heritage had emerged here. With the Muslim invasions after sixth century A.D. the people partly adopted Muslim Culture.
Originally, the mantel and physical make-up of the people residing in this region was and is part of the Bharatvarsha.
To separate them, with a stroke of pencil was unpardonable.
Today, after sixty-three years, of Indian independence, this sentiment is echoed loudly and clearly, in the verdict predicted by the people of Kashmir.
It’s a slap across the face of all those, who ceaselessly, emphasized in blowing the trumpet of Referendum in Kashmir and Kashmir is a part of India only till the army is present in the valley and so on and so forth.. Pakistan has crossed all limits of gentle conduct in the case regarding Kashmir and has tried every possible method of insurgency that would uproot the peace of the land.
The innumerable quantum of bloodshed has taken place on the soil, that is considered to be the Heaven on the Earth, by great nobles of every generations.
The existence of superciliousness among the political leaders of this land has given birth to unstable political conditions and killed the momentum of patriotism towards the national integrity. The existence of Special powers to Jammu and Kashmir Govt.[ as if its being a part of the nation, is a special favor done by them to the independent India ] is the root cause of the plight faced by Indian citizens and the administrative system for all these years. The continuation of Article 370 is not only unfair but also the reason for constant upheaval prevailing.
Recently, An observer from British University, has conducted a survey among the Kashmir citizens weather they would want to join with Pakistan..
The answer has been completely negative. About 98% of Kashmiris have opined against their territory merging with Pakistan!!! On the contarary, those who had migrated to Pakistan immediately after independence, wish to return to India. They have been witnessing the quandary situations faced by those who had preferred migrating to Pakistan. Those migrated have not been wholeheartedly accepted by the original occupants of the land and till today, consider the migrants as Mujahirs!
Many of them, still pamper the notion of Separate Kashmir.. Kashmir as a nation..Coolly overlooking the simplest fact that a small, meager nation, surrounded by three huge powers [India, China and Pakistan {atleast developed in terrorist tactics}] will turn it into a slave nation.. Today, the whatever little industrial growth has taken place in the valley, is in the Jammu region and that has Hindu dominance and thus will never will be a part of Kashmir as separate nation. With only tourism and bit of the farming of fruit, dryfruit and exotic spices, the economy can not survive. The land with no or very little economic growth, will definitely turn into a heaven for drug trafficking and blood trafficking. [Today, about Rs. 3000 crores are being spent on Kashmir by the Indian Govt. annually.] thus the heaven for tourists will turn into hell, limiting tourist flow.
This is an auspicious beginning, as it has come to light that Pakistan worshipping among Kashmiris is only a myth. it’s a time for Indian political agencies to chart out a strategy to educate the Kashmiris that either to join hands with Pakistan or to remain a separate entity will not be beneficial for their survival. Its high time, the political brigade, especially of Kashmir’s political scenario, accept this truth and impede from misguiding the Kashmir citizens for their personal agendas.
Its a obligatory for Kashmiris to come out from these separatist mentality and wholeheartedly be a part of Mother India.

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