Friday, May 14, 2010

The Lit-Up Lamp.. in the hearts of Women of Gujarat..

Its been an age old tradition to enlist the prosperity times on the name of patriarch of the family and in succession, to be handed over to the male hair. The women, who provided equal support in every which way, had accepted this scenario as their fate..
Centuries ago, in Pre-vedic era, the position of the women, was considered respectful and pious. But with the advent of Islam and in post Vedic period, the women lost the importance of being a partner to men in real sense.. With passage of time, this situation, though desolate, had become part of women’s psyche and she accepted whatever misery that followed with no property, not even a house or a piece of land to call her own.
In lot many cases, women suffered tightlipped..
Sometimes, if widowed or divorced, or if not in such heart-breaking situations, than many a times, in financial difficult times, a piece of land on the name of women, be it mother, wife, daughter or a sister.. could prove to be a roof over the entire family..
The prevailing tradition and thus the prevailing mindsets of the society curtails womenfolk to be owner of the house, factory, farm or a shop .
In reality, the talks of women empowerment and women reservation would turn out to be futile unless women folks are socially, economically and thus mentally fully secured. The women do have the capability to conquer any grim situation, but a home or a property to call her own would ensure relaxed and respected living for her..
for the same,
The Gujarat Govt. has taken the lead..
The Gujarat Govt. under the able and dedicated leadership of Hon. C.M. Shri Narendra Modi, has taken the initiative to provide great honor to the women of the state. The Revenue ministry, in Gujarat, under the dashing minister, Smt. Anandiben Patel, has brought forward the boom in real estate in Gujarat and many beneficiaries are Gujarati women..
In the last 5 years, 8.22 lakhs Gujarati families and business houses have given the Property ownership to v8 lakhs women. The Govt. authorized price for the above mentioned property, on the name of women in Gujarat, turns out to be of 18,200 crore Rs.
The Gujarat Govt. altered the amount to be charged as Stamp Duty and other Documentation fees on property, since June 2004. Accordingly, the fees which used to be charged at 1% of the total value of the property purchased, was to be abolished, if the property was bought on the name of the women of the household..
The following chart projects the amount presented to Respected Mataji, Behanji, Bhabhiji or beti.
year Registered Documents On the name of women Value of the property.
2004 2,28,511 51,320 1,030
2005 5,00,494 1,07,199 1,876
2006 6,25,461 1,06,249 3,582
2007 6,80,171 1,47,572 3,775
2008 8,26,230 1,87,006 4,741
2009 6,76,161 1,30,371 4,213
Jan.10 71,472 13,492 460
Total 36,08,500 7,43,119 19,677
[All the amount to be noted in crore]
This is a portray of economically sound and thus mentally peaceful women of Gujarat, of today..
Due to this decision, in the process of uplifting the women of the state, the Govt. has had to bear the loss of 196.77 crores, which could have been earned as Stamp Duty.
The welfare of women has been and is of prime importance to Govt. of Gujarat.
Alone in Ahmedabad, 42 thousand females have availed this facility and property worth 2,147 crore have been registered on the names of the womem.
In Surat, the property worth Rs. 1,140 crore have registered on the name o0f females.
In Rajkot, 38,140 women have been awarded this facility and Rs. 965 crores have been given away as removal of Stamp Duty.
In Vadodara, 20,865 women have been empowered by property worth Rs. 824 crores.
In Kutch, 27,540 females have been rewarded the removal of Stamp Duty and the property worth Rs 323 crores.
While celebrating the “Swarnim Gujarat”,
The Hon. Gujarat Govt. has taken inventiveness in strengthening and honoring the conditions of Maa, Behan, Beti of the state..
As a Gujarati Women, it is a moment of pride that lights up my soul..

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