Friday, April 30, 2010

Swarnim Mahotsav... that illuminates the heart...

As the first rays of sun illuminated the mother earth, on the glorious day of 1st May 1960, two new states in the Indian Republic were born.
Today, after the mindboggling journey of 50 years, they have become the pillar of India’s success story.
They are Gujarat and Maharashtra…
They enter their fiftieth year today..
the lion shaped state on the Western coast of India, roars to the world, of Indian Supremacy, not only in the fields of cultural and social heritage, but also in the Industrial and Economic achievements…
Gujarat..Gurjar Desh or Aanart, as it was known in ancient times, is a narration of rich history and superlative growth..
Gujarat’s tale of heritage is enriched by seven colors of rainbow.. The Saptarangi Gujarat, is the achievements over hurdles..the power of strenthful climbibg of ladder of progress along with innumerable sacrifices..
Gujarat is a heartbeat of every soul born on this pious soil..
Gujarat is a enlighted experience for every mind that steps its foot on this fertile land..
Gujarat ek Ahsaas..
Gujarat ek Anandabhaas.
Gurjar land, which was a part of Mumbai state at the time of independence, earned its special status of separate state in 1960, with Maha Gujarat Aandolan..With commitment and courage of Late Shri Indu Chacha and Late Shri Ravi Shankar Maharaj, the people of Gurjar land accomplished a state of their own..Gujarat..And Late Shri Jivraj Mehta as their first chief minister..
Later, in 1974, the Navnirmaan Aandolan marked the second phase of the courageous commitment that raised its voice against the corruptive practice and was initiated by the students unions.
Again the commitment prevailed over corruption and the success story was re-written.
Sangharsh, is the first color of Saptarangi Gujarat…
Saahas, or the mighty strength to think big, bear risks and conquer the world is a natural phenomenon that runs in the blood of every Gujarati born on this earth.. He may be residing in any part of the world but he dreams similiarly.. To rule the world in his chosen field..
This natural instinct portrays its second color of rainbow..
Samanjasya, or Ekroopta shows the world the instinct of Gujaratis to make the part of the earth, that they place their foot, a mini Gujarat. Peaceful existence in the foreign lands with intact Gujarati”ness” is the picture that represents Gujarati residing in any corner of the earth.. Availability of Indian food in remotest corner of the world and Gujaratis dressed in their traditional outfits to celebrate their festival across the globe, is a regular experience.
The Gujaratis always respects the land the customs and traditions of the land they have made their home.
This richness of the soul is the third color of rainbow..
Swarajya priti, is the fourth color of Saptarangi Gujarat..
Gujarat’s soil has been the birth place of many many personalities who devoted and dedicated their lives for the freedom of the land and Mother India..From Mahatma Gandhi to Sardar Patel to Morarji Desai.. the list is endless.
And, we are today, because they sacrificed their todays for us, on yesterdays..
Samajseva has been in the hearts of many Gujaratis.
Late Shri Ravishankar Maharaj, Shri Indu Chacha, Swami Anand worked effortlessly for the upliftment of community at large.. And,
This is the fifth color of rainbow that spreads its fragrance of brotherhood.
The feeling of Vasudhev Kutumbkum, is imbibed in the soul of every individual that breathes the air of Gujarat. Since time immortal, Gujarat has welcomed races from across globe..From the Siddis of Africa to Parsis of Iran, the lohanas from the Sindh, are few of the examples. Today, people from all over India have made Gujarat their home and the co-existence is extremely peaceful..
Thus, the unity among people living on this land is the sixth color of rainbow..
The Seventh Color..
The Sankalp Shakti of Gujarati..
He may be residing in any remotest nook of the world but he would always think big.. His dreams will be big and his determination to conquer the dreams into achievement, still bigger..
Come what may.. the Gujarati, would aim for the tallest achievement and strive to fulfill it..
Today, on the fiftieth birthday of this great land, we all Gujaratis bow down to this pious yet courageous soil that has enriched the existence of all belonging to this land..

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