Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Best of five is a waste of time...

For generations stepping the first step, on the threshold of collage was an event that called for celebration..And, that too, getting admission into Science stream, was a dream that was chased by many but fulfilled by few. At the times, when percentage obtained were far and few and getting a graduate degree was considered an achievement.
Now, with changing time, the scenario has changed just a little bit.
The new situation offers plenty of marks but still no admission. With the advent of different boards that offers similar study, the confusion and the competition has reached sky high.
The victims are the poor young adults, who are waiting with dreamy eyes to write a new chapter of life.
The existence of three boards at the 10th std. level, [SSC, ICSE and CBSE, lets not talk about IGCSE and IB as they are different ball game altogether], have become a battle ground to win the seat in FYJC and funnily, the latter two boards are central Govt. authorized.
The Maharashtra Govt. has caused suicidal difficulties for the student stepping its foot outside its protected world of schooling..
The Maha. Govt. is on a hat-trick of creating blunders, that would eventually affect the educational health of the student, he proclaims to be wishing to help. First, in 2008, the policy of percentile counting instead of percentage was put forward. in 2009, the plan of 90% and 10%,[ 90% seats to be reserved for the students of local Govt. board [ssc] and the remaining 10% to be distributed among the ICSE and CBSE boards!!! Completely, unjust policy for the student coming out of Indian Govt. approved Centralize national boards! Thirdly, the grand policy of “Best of five”, which has been unreasonable for the students appearing for 10th std from the other two national boards, but also a wrong trait for students to overlook a little difficult subject.
All three have been a complete disaster as none of it have seen the daylight and not even the local board students have appreciated the move to introduce the stratagem of “Best of five” as the non- full proof plan has been rejected by the high court and the glory of tons full of marks of SSC students have remained unfulfilled. The SSC students have objected in capability of the Govt. to create and issue a strategy that would not had to be made redundant and shatter the dreams of youth of the state of entering selected institute.
In addition, the state Govt. of Maharashtra had issued 25 marks for the student competing at the state level sports event and unmerittedly, this was offered only to the SSC students. Thus, a youth participating at a competitive event and hailing from a Govt. board school would be presented with special gift in form of marks, even though the rival national board school’s student has fared better in the event organized by the state!!! [Luckily. this move was criticized by the SSC schools principals and discarded as “undemocratic”.
The schools operate, even if they are unaided, after obtaining necessary permissions from the state Govt. authorities and to conduct partial demeanor between the group of young generation of tomorrow’s India is an extremely inappropriate. To have different policy, for the residents of same state, is totally uncalled for. In fact, the children of transfer jobs parents have no choice to study in a national board where the syllabus does not vary, from state to state.
The policy of “Best of Five” has created catastrophe among the young minds..
Poor souls are wasting their ”Best of time” of joining Collage..

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