Monday, September 26, 2011

The myth regarding citizen's forum candidate is revelead

Recently, a new trend had started among the civil society to bash the politicians and political parties. The members of Civil Society proclaimed that all the parties and their representatives were worthless and corrupt. No doubt, gazing at the current fraudulent conduct by shameless people in power at the center, this sentiment of rage from the citizens was not absolutely imperceptible. Thus, they endorsed an independent representative of the Civil Society or Citizen’s forum, whatever one may call it, during the 2007 Corporation Election in Mumbai, from Ward no. 63-the area representating Juhu Scheme and surrounding. One Mr. Adolf D’souza was chosen and the area that represents glitterati of Bollywood and the educated class. The Mumbai Mirror and such newspaper backed him, enormously and he was considered the sole savior of common man from the clutches of “corrupt” political parties.
The reality was not so..
Today, the same Mumbai Mirror has printed the cover news that , “Tables turned on city’s first citizen corporator. Juhu residents turn against their man Adolf. Five years after they fought to get him into the BMC, constituents say they’re unhappy with D’Souza’s performance. E-mails doing the rounds say that he did not speak up when needed; D’Souza says no point screaming on the floor of the house….”
The story goes on..
The bottom line of the story is.. He has been hugely ineffective, to make any difference in his constituency.
I have been closely connected to the Ward no. 63, thus am aware of the conditions and predicament faced by the locality. Though this area, on a larger scale is constituted of bunglows and up-market buildings, the roads of North-South roads were such low lying that for years, the water logging during monsoon was a common nuisance. The water-logging was to such an extent that sometimes the land could not be visible for days . About ten years back, the then BJP corporator Shri Arun Deo, got the leveling done of the roads, from his corporator’s fund and got the pipelines repaired which were extremely old and narrow, as when they were built, the population residing in the area was less dense. All these efforts of Shri Arun Deo, could be effectively employed as he, apart from being honest and committed, belonged to the political party which possessed manifesto, had party fund and backing of party workers which would enhance the machinery to work for improvement.
Sadly, the citizens representative could not be as effective in serving and solving residents problems even though he may have been as non-corrupt as Shri Arun Deo but he lacked the party backing. Being non-corrupt only, is not the solution to all the tribulations faced by the citizens of the area but to stand up for the hazards faced by them against the officials or Govt. if need be, is required in the corporator. Mr. Adolf may have been an honest man not accepting bribes but he neither did solve residents perils nor did he speak up in the corporation to represent the troubles faced by area. One need not be a profound orator to speak up in the corporation but the elected representative must have the ability and capacity to be heard and followed by the authority as well as machinery and Mr. Adolf did not possess either. Thus, on important issues, when the voting of members happened, he had no choice but to genuflect to one or the other party. In such cases, there are more chances of a sole independent representative being bought, sometimes on monetary consideration or on some other favor.
All in all, the idea of citizens corporator has failed immensely.
Firstly, one needs to understand the concept of political parties and Civil Society. Members of political parties do not appear from Venus or Mars. He is one of us, born and nurtured in the Civil Society, itself. Thus, if an honest person wishes to work for the society and make difference, he should become part of a political ideology that he believes in. If dedicated souls commit themselves to work for betterment of society and join party, then the party will have cluster of sincere members. Otherwise, the huddle of dishonest people will surround the parties and we, sitting at home, will grumble and moan.

Monday, September 19, 2011

A pic. written by my husband, writer Mihir Bhuta...Lets understand Sadbhavana..

What is Sadbhavana...?
I am always fascinated by the names honorable chief minister gives to his undertakings. They are never simply appellations but the definitions of his endeavors. It shows his deep understanding of Life, Human nature and Philosophy. When I heard the name Sadbhavana Mission it started the train of thoughts. Why this name and no other. What is the meaning of the word Sadbhavana.
Bhavana is a word which, like many other Sanskrit words, is difficult to translate. Bhavana is generally translated as feelings but it is grossly inadequate. This word encompasses much more than mere feelings.
Bhavana also means the passive thoughts. Thoughts which are not actively processed by our brain. Our brain never stops the activity, but most of that activity is not consciously directed. Ephemeral thoughts keep crowding our mind constantly, study of which is important to gain insight in to the contraction of our psych. These thoughts are the sum total of our past experiences, our nurture and our nature. Nurture can be translated as Samskara and Nature as Swabhav.
There can be Sadbhavana and there can be Durbhavana. Sad is a prefix for good and Duh is a prefix for bad. Both Sadbhavana and Durbhavana is always the involuntary and unconscious response of our mind. We may have created, or rather, it may have been created inside us, either Sadbhavana or Durbhavana due to our experiences, nurture and nature, mostly both. We may not know it but we are constantly responding to everything around us through our Bhavana.
Sadbhavanas and Durbhavanas are the prism through which we see the world. Sadbhavana cannot be directed towards anybody or anything. Responses are directed. Bhavana give the form to those responses. If the Bhavana changes than the responses change too.
Durbhavana gives birth to violence as the world seen through that prism appears hostile. Sadbhavana gives birth to peace as the world seen from that prism appears friendly. If one thinks deeper one finds that actually the world is neither hostile nor friendly. The world is just practical. Each one trying to gather as much happiness as possible during the life time. It is our internal prism that impart colours of Friendliness or hostility to the world.
And the Bhavana cannot be faked. Our response can be controlled by our minds, even faked to portray absolutely opposite Bhavana, but internally we do not change.
For instance Hindus have Durbhavana towards Muslims and Muslims court Durbhavana towards Hindus. These Bhavanas are due to the history of past one thousand years, as well as our natural distrust towards anything unfamiliar. Resultantly both have been trying to fight each other. The fight remains bloody, violent and futile.
Than we see some Hindus, and some Muslims too, feeling guilty for having irrational fear, distrust and hostility towards the other party. They do not put the guns down as that is not possible unless their Durbhavana have changed in to Sadbhavana. They simply start pointing their guns towards their own group. They start attacking the group they are born in to. Indian secular brigade is correct example of this sentiment.
These so called activists have given rise to the politics of reservations and appeasement. They want to pacify one party by hurting, abusing and depriving the other. They think that they are giving justice to Muslims by targeting Hindus and vice-a-versa. But they are actually doing a great disservice to the society. They are making Hindus more vigorous in their abhorrence towards Muslims and vice-a-versa.
Nothing really changes ever. The only correct course is not to appease anyone or apologize to anyone but try to change the internal prism. Shed all Durbhavanas and let Sadbhavana emerge. it is not as simple a concept as ‘let bygones be bygones’. The concepts is a lot deeper. The purpose is to change thinking pattern completely.
Once my wife mentioned to honorable chief minister that our son Akshat is a staunch adherent of Hinduism. His response was that the true religiosity is inclusive and not exclusive. Love for Hinduism is not in hating others but appreciating the basics of Hinduism.
Our secular brigade is displaying the worst kind of exclusiveness, where they are not including the Muslims in the main fold of Indian nationalism and not allowing others to do so.
The politics of appeasement is the politics of exclusiveness. Honorable Shri Narendra Modi tries to bring the era of inclusiveness instead of appeasement. After all we do not have to appease those how are our own.
The Modi-bashers are incapable of understanding the depth of his mind.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The terrifying Communal Violance Bill 2011 and its agenda of cracking the Indian Society.

The draft Bill, PREVENTION OF COMMUNAL AND TARGETED VIOLENCE (ACCESS TO JUSTICE AND REPARATIONS) BILL, 2011, is available on net, thankfully. I, though not a legal person, managed to read it, and mercifully, the language is not as complex and pretentious as it was used in drafting laws and acts in bygone era.
I have following Questions and Objections with regards to the said bill.
1. Why is it presumed that the targeted violence is always perpetrated by Majority group and targeted towards Minority.?
2. Would the member or members of minority not be charged under this act even if it is conclusively proved that the act of violence is perpetrated by that member or members of the minority group?
3. Even within the region where a particular group is in minority, there are pockets where they are in majority, such as Bindi Bazar in Mumbai or Usmanpura in Ahmedabad. If the act of violence is perpetrated there by the members or members of the minority group towards the member of the majority group, will the perpetrator be prosecuted under this act, as they were in majority in the said sub-region?
4. If the violence is not a mass violence but towards the individual victim from a minority group, and the reason for such a violence is other than communal, such as social or financial dispute, what will stop the government to try that particular case under this act?
5. Why is the state of Jammu and Kashmir excluded although highest number of gravest crime against Minority is committed in that state since decades? In the amendment too, states of Jammu and Kashmir is not clearly included as the wording in the amendment is as follows.
1. Short title, extent and commencement.- (1) This Act is called “Prevention of Communal and Targeted Violence (Access to Justice and Reparations) Act, 2011”.
(2) It extends to the whole of India.
Provided that the Central Government may, with the consent of the State of Jammu and Kashmir, extend the Act to that State.
(3) It shall come in to force within one year from the date of the passing of this Act.

6. What will stop the government to put any act of violence under this law and there by unnecessarily harass a member or members from the majority group? Will not a simple case of road rage be termed as targeted violence ?
7. Will not this definition become the cause of fragmentation of the Indian society? The entire society never takes part in any kind of violence but this particular definition successfully fragments the society permanently in to Minority groups and Majority Groups. Is not the proposed act against the lofty doctrine of Ekatma Bharat?
8. Land mafias habitually displace people for acquiring a piece land. This, though decidedly is an injustice, cannot be termed as targeted violence against the member of minority group, and the perpetrator of such a crime cannot be tried under this law. How would this distinction be made? If the court finds that a person is being tried under a wrong act, the case will be dismissed and fresh case will have to be registered which will burden the already burdened judiciary process
9. This definition clearly incriminates a person or persons committing crime against the member of minority group under this act even if the purpose, motive or provocation for the crime is not of communal nature. In most crimes the perpetrator has a knowledge if the victim is from a particular cast, religious group or any other minority group but not in all cases the motive of crime is of communal nature. This definition would give a communal colour to all crimes where members of two different groups are involved.
10. In case of crime of not communal nature, the member of the majority group would always be at a disadvantage. In case of victim being from the majority group the offence will be registered under other act but In case of the victim being from minority group even the crime not having communal motive can and will be registered under this act.
11. A criminal from Majority group perpetrating crime of non communal nature can be tried under this act where as a criminal from a minority group committing similar crime against the person of either minority group or majority group will not be tried under this act. this will amount to case of discrimination and miscarriage of justice.
12. Community groups will rise to defend the individuals being tried under this law and that kind of communal branding will be detrimental to the unity of the nation.
13. Sexual offenders too will be branded as communal and more over the sexual offence by the member or members from majority group against the member or members of minority group will be tried under this act where as similar crime committed by the member or members from minority group against the victim from majority group or from minority group will not be tried under this law. How can a same crime be more grievous in one case and less in all other cases?
14. Is this not against the right to information provided by constitution to all, not the Right to Information act but the natural right of any person to find and spread legitimate information. If a group of people belonging to Minority group has dishonored a temple or mosque or church than the majority is obliged to contain that information but in reverse scenario minority is not obliged to contain the information. in case of Godhara carnage the perpetrators of that heinous crime cannot be tried under this law but people from the majority group discussing and imparting the particulars of this crime can be branded as criminals and can be tried under this law. what kind of justice is this?

Let us now examine why this bill is proposed. Do we believe that all the congressmen are against Hindus or majority per say? I believe not. The implicit reason for proposing such a bill is to create a trap for BJP and the opposition. And it is a very well thought out trap too.
The bill is so outrageous that if BJP had proposed it, congress would have opposed it. Party sitting in the opposition in the parliament has no choice but to oppose such a bill, whether BJP or Congress, as it does harm to the nation in multiple ways.
a) It targets the majority, essentially Hindus. The Hindus have no choice to oppose it because however secular a person is, he or she cannot honestly believe that only the member of majority community is at the fault always. The said bill is clearly unjust and provocative.
b) The said bill tears the fabric of society in to permanent fragments and sows the seeds of hostility between so-called Groups. Any bill proposed in the parliament has to serve one purpose above all and that it has to strengthen the unity of the nation. This bill is clearly against that lofty ideal.
c) It gives unnecessary advantage to the miscreants from the so-called minority groups. Not only an advantage, the bill even inspires to separatists to take maximum advantage of this bill to achieve their unholy goals.
d) The bill indirectly inspires people from so-called majority group to convert to so-called minority groups, especially on the religious lines.
e) It usurps the power of the sate and thus creates a sovereign center rendering the constitutional rights and obligations of the state null-n-void.
This are but a few issues that catches the eye on first glance alone. Many more would surface upon deeper scrutiny.
Then why such a bill is even proposed? The motive is clear. Congress is trying to regain some grounds it has lost due to scams and corruptions.
Anybody who opposes this bill will appear to the members of so-called minority groups as anti-minority. Advantage BJP will successfully washed out if BJP is instrumental in throwing out of this Bill. Not only that, if the Bill is passed, even with BJP not opposing it in an unlikely event, Congress will still be known as the only savior of Minority. The bill is evidently politically directed.
A smart but inherently sinister move on the part of congress.
All political parties are allowed, and expected to come up with such tactics to gain or remain in power, but congress has stooped down to a new level by introducing such an antinational bill to gain political advantage.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How civil is Civil Society???

Once upon a time…
In Mumbai, people residing all over the country, considered it to be the hotspot for living.
No doubt, they still do..
Lets travel back in timeline, for about fifty, sixty, eighty years and picture the city, than that was, which attracted inhabitants of different locals and regions to settle here.
What was sooo charismatic about this city, in the bygone era?
Mumbai was bestowed with the beach and greenery, equilibrium weather and what not. Thus, people from every nook and corner, dreamt of settling in this belt. No doubt, these populace, made Mumbai their dear home and contributed enormously to develop it and bring it glory of making it the financial capital of the country. Initialy, what was the habitate of the fishermen community has turned out to be the most sought after destination of the country.
Today, Mumbai has undoubtedly flourished to its optimum but sadly, along with outburst of population, there seems to be decline in civic sense. Day by day, each area of this city is turning into concrete jungle to fit in it’s bursting residents.
Along with it comes, garbage rotting on roadside, gutters filled with filthy and stinking water, vehicles which have increased in hundred folds parked every possible NO PARKING, pedistrians trespassing on the roads leaving aside pavements, so on and so forth.
One would want to express his or her disgust towards the above mentioned scenario by blaming the Municipal authority for not taking sufficient measures.
Very true…
I absolutely endorse it.. It is the right and the duty of the civilian to demand for the upkeep of their surrounding as well as providing well guarded administration.
It is mandatory for the authority to committedly provide the necessary facilities to the citizens and punish strictly to those who damage the surroundings.
There can be no action unless there is harsh penalty charged upon the misdoing.
The buck does not stop at blaming the authority and demanding the wellness of the vicinity without us being responsible towards its conservation.
We, as citizens and dwellers of our own locality have to be conscientious regarding utilizing the garbage bins only, while rattling the garbage carelessly on the roadside. It is our sacred duty to be careful while parking our vehicle to allow others vehicles enough space required for parking and not park it in the manner that would curb the space of somebody else to park. It is our humble responsibility to use footpaths and pavements for strolling, wherever they are available.
The list is endless..
It is our sacrosanct obligation to fulfill our bit as unswerving citizens, before passing out the entire accountability on the said authority.
Remember it is the easiest way out..
Pause a while and think…
Who is authority towards whom we pass on the blame game for the task unattended ?
The liability of wellness of our own locality..
The authority is a citizen from one of us, who was once a civilian like you or me, who has been elected or been selected to perform the job of basic amenities to be provided in the particular area..
The authority is not born in different planet or come from Mars..
He or she is born out of the same corrupt and indifferent society, whose members do not hesitate to park their vehicle in No Parking area, nor do they dither while bribing the cop with a “Bapu”[!!! Shameful but its true] for breaking the traffic rules or for drunken driving or so many more offences which could be fatal, neither their hands shiver while throwing the rotten eatables outside on the roads that would blemish their neighboring and lead to epidemics [throw the litter comfortably themselves and accuse the authority for not picking it up, but my dear, why throw it so carelessly???] . They carelessly wander on the center of the roads completely indifferent to the vehicle honking for room to pass.
Today, we make a fuss and create ruckus “blaming the authority” for all the issues .
Tomorrow, if you or me are elected or selected to sit on the authority chair, will we be any different, being the offspring of the same corrupt and apathetic society, who hardly cares about ruining the neighborhood.
The very first and prime duty is tutoring the common men and making him respecting his responsibilities. Unless we perform this duty , steadfastly, we can never create a leader or an authority with dedicated mindsets. No leader can be non-corrupt unless the society, he or she or from where he belongs portrays the traits themselves.
In current scenario, it has become a favorite trend of civilians to blame and criticize the political parties for all the corruption that is prevailing in the society..
Not many are ready to dig deeper to reach the cause.
Such trends have led to creation of Citizen’s Forum, who select a person among them to contest the election. One such representative won the Corporation Election, from Ward no. 63-K ward, in Mumbai. The area comprising of Juhu Scheme and Juhu Lane and around. Nothing personally against Mr. Adolf D’souza, but the representative has been fairly unsuccessful in solving the issues of the said area, for probably lack of fund [don’t believe it.. its Juhu Scheme-the occupant bigwigs and Richie-rich] or lack of his ability to be heard and strongly take actions as he does not have the backing of a political party.
The result has been disastrous and unsatisfying for the citizens residing in the locality. Mr. Adolf has not been able to make a point neither in the Corporation nor among the machinery.
As a result, the citizens who voted for or did not vote for him, are the sufferer and the scapegoat.
Sadly, the print media is wrongly publicizing him and the fake publicity regarding his so called great achievements , that has made all the change in the locality are doing rounds.
The truth is entirely different.
The Citizens Forum, who wishes to plunge in sitting in the authoritative positions, should first shoulder the responsibility of creating the non-corrupt mindset among the civilians, educate them regarding being pro-active in upkeep of their own contiguous rather than jumping in to contest election and blame the political parties.